Thursday, May 1, 2008

Battle of the Bands for Slovenia

I have the amazing opportunity to travel to Slovenia this summer for the 3rd time. This will be my 2nd year leading the trip, and its the 2 weeks before Zack's trip to Peru. So, YES, we will not see each other at all in July, but we'll get to start spending the rest of our life together in August. Yeah! My team this year is awesome, they put on a support raising event last Friday and it was so succuessful. We raised over $2,100, had a few hundred people show up, and got to spread the word about the need to make the gospel known to the other side of the world in Slovenia. It was a huge outreach event in our own community as 12 different bands from 7 different schools competed.

The Lord blessed my life by being able to watch 12 people use their gifts and talents to put on a great night that was glorifing to God in so many different ways. Our trip June 30th-July 14th will involve teaching English to Slovenian students. There is only 2% evagelical Christian in this small Eastern European country. Its is a very dark place that needs help spreading the light of our heavenly father. Please keep our Slovenia team and the students we get to share the gospel with in July in your prayers.

More updates to come on this in the next few months.


Emily T said...

Yeah! I'm so excited about everything. Your blog, your save the dates, your mission opportunities this summer, and the Battle of the Bands. I'm so bummed I missed it but know how much hard work you and your team invested into it. Way to go! And I can't wait to se e and hear about your July as individuals and as a couple. I'm finally back up and running and my blogroll now looks more like it should because you started blogging! Love you guys!

Renee (Nay) said...

Hey Paige!! I received your save the date in the mail today. You look so happy and we are happy for you. We look forward to meeting Zack and should be able to come to the wedding. Jamie lives in Clarksville,Tn since Nov.2007 so we will have a place to stay for the wedding. If you didn't Know Jamie is pregnant and Due Sept.28. So she will be huge but we plan on coming to the wedding anyway. Here is her blog if you want to see her belly grow.
Aren't these blogs awesome when family is far away!! Happy wedding planning. I know your mom is going to be great at it. God bless, Renee